Midland Odessa Pet of The Week
Every Wednesday we feature a different pet that needs a new forever home here in the Basin from Lonestar Sanctuary For Animals. Sometimes it's a dog, sometimes it's a cat. They haven't had any guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, or snakes---yet. But you never know!
Meet Faith!
Today we have a very special Pet of The Week! It is Faith's 11th Birthday! Eleven is an accomplishment for most dogs, but Faith is a Saint Bernard! The average life span of this giant breed is 8-10 years! She has not only outlived the average but despite some arthritis, Faith is still in good health! Faith's story is a sad one. She was adopted in 2014 but sadly returned a year later after her owner's husband died and his wife could no longer afford to have a dog. She was adopted again later that same month only to be brought in as a stray two years later! This time she was with a little Pit Bull puppy named Samson! We soon found that Faith was bonded to Sampson and the two were inseparable! Even at 11 years old, Faith still plays with Sampson in the yard and you can find them playing a game of tug of war with their favorite toy!
Sampson is now four years old and watches out for Faith. If you are visiting and want to give Sampson some love and attention, you better be sure to give that love to Faith first! Once you have paid attention to Faith, Sampson will be very welcoming of pets and attention just for him! Our sweet Faith would love to have a family, warm bed, and a yard to spend the rest of her years! That home must include her best pal Sampson of course! Faith's bond with Sampson is unbreakable but has sadly made it harder to find her a home. She has now been at the shelter since 2017. A super Senior like Faith that comes with another dog isn't for everyone, but if you are that special someone who has room in their home and their heart for this amazing duo come to Lone Star Sanctuary For Animals and meet them! To know them is to love them! Happy Birthday, Faith! We hope your Birthday wish comes true!
Once home, remember the rule of three: three days to decompress, three weeks to get used to your routine and home, and three months to feel completely at home.
Lonestar Sanctuary For Animals is located at 4200 Fairgrounds Road in Midland. Visiting hours are 1 pm until 4:30 pm, every day except Thursday. And if for some reason you're not looking for a pet right now--please click SHARE and post this to your social media so we can help this fur baby find a forever home. Or perhaps you're looking for a different new furry friend. There are so many fur babies who would love to meet you so stop by and pay them a visit! There are plenty of dogs and cats to choose from who would love to be your next family member.
The Lone Star Sanctuary For Animals can always use supplies as well so if you can, stop by and drop off a donation to help the staff care for the shelter animals till they can find their forever homes. Needed right now:
Cleaning supplies
Puppy Pee Pads
Unopened / New Dog and Cat Food
Cat Litter
Items can be dropped off at the office at 4200 Fairgrounds Road in Midland during business hours. Thank You!
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