5 Celebrities I Guarantee You Did Not Know Were Born In Texas! 1 Was Born In Midland!
I cannot. I'm telling you right now we have a slew of celebs that we know and have known that were born in Texas. Everyone's favorite Texan, 'alright, alright, alright' Matthew McConaughey is a native Texan (born in Uvalde), Jamie Foxx, a lifelong Cowboys fan, was born in Terrell, TX. And a former Desperate Housewife, Eva Longoria hails from Corpus Christi. But here are 5 celebrities I guarantee you had no idea were BORN in Texas!
Woody Harrelson! Woody freakin' Harrelson was born in MIDLAND peeps! David from Indecent Proposal, Mickey from Natural Born Killers, Billy in White Men Can't Jump. Mind blown. I literally had no clue!
Steve Martin was born in Waco, TX! The dad in Father of the Bride, Cheaper by the Dozen and 1/3 of the Three Amigos. Who knew?
Jennifer Garner was born in Houston! You mean to tell me that my beloved Ben Affleck's ex-wife and I have something in common and I did not know this? Wow.
Michelle Rodriguez was born in San Antonio! Bad ass Letty from the Fast & Furious. We may as well be besties in that case! I wonder if she would introduce me to Vin Diesel?
Robin Wright was born in Dallas! The former Mrs. Sean Penn and also Jenny from Forrest Gump. You have to say it in Forrest's voice, Jen-nay.
I cannot believe I never knew this! That just changes the game for me without a doubt. If I was not a fan before, I totally am now. Texans supporting Texans baby!
LOOK: The Most Famous Actor Born Every Year