Strange Things You May Not Know Are Laws In Texas-I Broke The Law This Week!
That moment when you realize you broke the law and didn't even realize that what you did was illegal. (insert wide eye emoji here) I swear I didn't know and trust me when I say I'm a rule follower not a rule breaker! I'm a Capricorn, we do things by the book.
How did I find out this silly thing was illegal? The internet of course. So there I am scrolling to see what other crazy things that are actually illegal in Texas and I do think that at one time or another we have all broken a couple.
Did you know it's illegal to eat trash in Texas? Oh snap! That's exactly what I did just the other day. Hold up let me explain...I was eating an orange and went to through away the plate that I had peeled it on. I'm sure we've all done it, I accidentally threw away the orange instead! So '5 second rule' I quickly took it out of the trash, rinsed it off and finished eating. I-lle-gal! Check out some other silly laws:
- it is illegal to walk around barefoot in some cities in Texas! Funny, I've never seen anyone in Walmart get arrested for breaking the law? (I've got jokes folks!)
- it is illegal to milk someone else's cow in Texas-well there go my weekend plans! By the way, if you break this law, you may be fined no more than $10.
- it is illegal to buy cheese on Sunday-if you're serving nachos at your Superbowl party this weekend, you better shop on Saturday! This is an actual law in Houston, you cannot buy or sell Limburger cheese. Good thing I don't even know what that is?
- it is illegal to feather dust in a public place-in (Clarendon)Texas-you don't know how badly I want to carry mine around sometimes and clean up some offices that need it!
I mean how could we possibly known that these silly laws existed? Much less that we have all broken them at some time or another.
LOOK: What are the odds that these 50 totally random events will happen to you?