I do not plan to name names, well maybe 1 at some point in this story but OMG some of the things my coworkers do drive me crazy! I just came back from the restroom and for the 3rd time this week saw something that is such a quick, easy fix, but no, someone, I have no clue who doesn't seem to think it is so simple. 

Peep this.


Are you kidding me Karen? How lazy can you be? On the other side of this bathroom stall are literally a stack of toilet paper rolls that can replace these empty ones. You don't even have to leave the restroom, walk a few steps, grab, replace. Simple.


There is no way our building is the only one where this kind of thing happens, often. I don't know if you can tell that the (disgusting) coffee pot is empty but the person who drank the last cup of coffee could not be bothered to switch the coffee pot OFF, the red light is still on. Imagine the mess and smell this nonsense makes. Another quick fix.


It is not unusual to walk into the break room and find trash on the floor here at the B93 studios. Does the coworker who leaves their trash everywhere have a superpower that keeps them from seeing the 2 trash cans strategically placed in our kitchen? The blinders are on for this Ken or Karen for sure. Pick up after yourself, this is not your house!


Our boss is kind enough to keep a well-stocked fridge here for us. Sodas, juice, water as you see pictured and again this is why we can't have nice things. 'Someone' does not have enough sense to throw the package that the water came in away. There is 1 left! Someone, anyone place it on the shelf, throw the garbage away. Why, just why?


And finally the 'crappy coworker of the year' award goes to this one, the person who has no consideration for others. Comes along and parks however they want in the parking lot like they own the place! Thanks a lot Karen. Wait a minute, that's MY ride! What the heck? Umm yeah turns out this particular Karen is named Rebecca Cruz. lol Look, in my defense I get to work so early (and usually running late) that I bust up in this parking lot like a bat out of you-know-where, half asleep not even paying attention to the lines when I park.

Well ain't that something. Maybe this open letter was meant for the person writing it. lol In a sudden turn of events, perhaps I am the Karen of the building that I've bashed the entire time?

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.
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