Top 6 Karaoke Hot Spots in Midland/Odessa TX
Karaoke is my thang. Some of you may not have known that. It’s been my thang for longer then I can remember to be honest. When I was little my cousins and I used to put on shows for our family, some pretty grand productions if I might add. Now that I think of it I hope all the video evidence has since been lost and destroyed. Anyway, it’s pretty much my favorite thing to do ever and close to the only thing that can get me out of the house on any night of the week. More little known facts about me:
I used to work in the karaoke bar in Grahams in Odessa, Alley Cats I believe it was.
I auditioned twice for American Idol and got through the first set of producers twice AND met Paula, Randy and Simon TWICE! (that’s literally as far as I got though)
I sing the National Anthem for The Rockhounds at least three or four times a year and for The Odessa Jackalopes a few times this past season as well.
I originally went to college to be a music teacher…until I realized there is way more to teaching music than a sick set of pipes.
I’ve been in more karaoke contests than I can remember, probably because I didn’t win any of them, (to my credit that was back when I wasn’t near as polished as I am now, is that’s even a thing in karaoke, damn I’m a dork)
I sing every day. In the car, in the shower, in the kitchen… You get the idea, so finding a good spot for karaoke is always a top priority for me. My fiancé and I had a place we could always count on with one of the best karaoke DJ’s in town, Mr. Roy Shuck, but unfortunately that particular location made a poor decision (in my opinion) and did away with their once a week karaoke night as did our other favorite karaoke spot with one of the other best Karaoke DJ’s in town Ms. Ali Byas. Times have been rough guys and I’ve had to do some searching. Below you will find the top 6 karaoke hot spots in Midland/Odessa TX. Feel free to cast your vote!
The Lone Star Bar
621 W Wall St, Midland, TX 79701
Thursday, Friday and Saturdays
The Hangar Lounge
10000 Airport Rd, Midland, TX 79706
(Inside Baymont Inn & Suites Midland Airport)
Fridays and Saturdays
Midland Beer Garden
7112 W Hwy 80, Midland, TX 79706
Basin Nights
2113 Kermit Hwy, Odessa, TX 79761
Neon Moon Karaoke Lounge
2880 Kermit Hwy, Odessa, TX 79763
Rockstar Karaoke
3303 N Midkiff Rd #160, Midland, TX 79705
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