These 2 Intersections In Odessa Have A New Traffic Light Which Other Intersections Need One?
How often do you drive the streets of West Texas, come up on a certain intersection, and think to yourself, 'this one could really use a light?' I say this to myself pretty much every day. Those of us who commute and drive all over the streets of Midland-Odessa regularly, are very familiar with the busiest, and even the most dangerous intersections.
For me personally, east loop 338 in Odessa has always been rather perilous. Coming from 87th st, coming from Grandview, off of JBS Parkway, and even 52nd st. has pretty much been a game of frogger for a long time. Vehicles coming from both directions, going the speed limit and often times even faster, flying down the loop can be scary when you are waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to cross and merge into traffic.
I've seen more accidents in this area than I really care to. So with that being said, in case you have not been to that area in awhile, you will be happy to know there is now a traffic light at the intersection of JBS Parkway and loop 338. A bit further down on 52nd and loop 338 there is fairly new traffic light. Can you say relief? I think they were both long overdue.
So if you keep driving further down loop 338, coming up to highway 385 there is also a new traffic light. Coming into Odessa from Andrews on 385 or leaving town, be prepared for a new stop light. It is not something we are used to so just a heads up!
Where else do you think a traffic light is needed?
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