An Overlooked Phone Number on the Back of Your Texas Driver’s License Could Save You
We've all found ourselves in a situation where we're stranded on the side of the road in Texas for whatever reason. While most things are just a Google search away, some spots on our roadways don't have the best data service. If you don't know the number for AAA and can't look it up, there is an overlooked phone number on the back of your Texas driver's license that could come in very handy.

Flip Your License Over
Yeah. Go ahead and open your wallet and flip it over to the back. Look at the bottom of your license underneath the barcode looking thing. There you'll find a 1 800 number that can get you the help you need if you're stranded on the side of the road. That number goes to a Department of Public Safety (DPS) communications office where you will give the dispatcher some information like your name, the issue you're having and your location.
When you call that number, a DPS trooper, or closest law enforcement officer, will come to your location to assist with changing a tire, give a jump start for your dead battery or a ride to the nearest gas station to fill up a can to get you going again (KLTV).
Tow Truck
If a tow truck is needed, the officer can call for one to come pick up you and your vehicle and deliver it to a safe location to hopefully get repaired. While the other assistance is free, needing to have your vehicle towed will cost you whatever the tow company charges. Depending on your insurance coverage, however, you may be able to get reimbursed for the expense.
Save the Number
It's a good idea to save that number in your phone for even easier access in case you need it.
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