We're not talking about things that most of us would consider quite rude behaviors at our East Texas fast food establishments, such as throwing your garbage on the floor, not trying to clean up after yourself, or not keeping your eye on your kids if they are running wild around the restaurant.
After delving into the details, I have to say that as someone who worked in fast food as a young person, including the drive-thru, some of these are SPOT ON.
In my opinion, books that are overtly sexual in nature don't have a place in elementary schools--or even perhaps in middle schools, for that matter. But here's part of the controversy: different people have different ideas about what 'overtly sexual' means.
Some Texans do it because they see their parents or grandparents do it. Some people say they want to wash away some of the fat--but does this process even help with such a thing?
Other Texans say it is completely unnecessary, not to mention, possibly unwise to rinse ground beef after (or before) cooking it.
I know some dear people who have, at some point, found themselves in this predicament. In a couple of the scenarios, the search yielded nothing that was of concern. In another situation, it caused them some legal troubles.
In all of these cases, I heard them talking about whether or not it was legal for law enforcement to have done so, given that they didn't have a warrant.
It's hard to pick just one 'boomtown' in Texas. Different sources seem to say different things. Honestly, with the influx of both businesses and people in the Lone Star State, it feels that all of Texas is a bit of a 'boomtown' right now.
Even the most avid and conscientious gun owners may find there are laws, policies, and considerations when it comes to gun ownership in Texas they didn't know.