If You Knew This About Me You Probably Wouldn’t Want To Hang Out
We can't always choose our friends, or can we? What is the saying? People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I believe that 100. I've made unlikely friends over the years that I think wow, I went from barely knowing this person to all of a sudden we are lifelong friends, with a lot in common! Well here is one thing that many of you probably do not have in common with me and if you knew this about me before becoming my friend, it would probably make you think twice before deciding to hang out with me. Wait for it...
Hi, I'm Rebecca and I am ALWAYS COLD. Is there a support group for that? And if so, do they provide blankets at their meetings? I need a Snuggie. As I sit and type this article, I am wrapped in a blanket, with a jacket on and my hands are freezing.
You would hate dealing with me on a daily basis. I honestly don't know how Leo does it. I have blankets, jackets, and a heater in our B93 studio. It may be triple digits outside, I am bundled up inside. And that is just at work.
At home, my family thinks there is something wrong with me. lol They are all walking around scantily clad and I'm in sweats and a long-sleeved shirt, winter, spring, summer and fall. For Christmas, my siblings give me warm jammies. You cannot go wrong with that gift for me because they will get used year-round, not just in winter. And you can forget sleeping with the fan on.
It has been a lifelong thing for me. It is not something brand new. My mother used to say my blood is thin, and I am anemic so there's that. My man says I need more meat on my bones to stay warm. (insert eye roll here) He's got jokes.
So now that you know my not so deep, dark, secret, want to be my friend? My toxic trait is having the heat full blast on long road trips and burning you out of the car while having my seat warmer on. Next time you see Leo and I in the B93 jeep headed somewhere, just assume the poor guy is sweating. I'm probably cold and AC in the Jeep is out of the question with me inside!
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