Texas Power Grid Once Again Causing Problems as Temperatures Hit Triple Digits
ERCOT is once again asking people in Texas to conserve energy during peak times to combat a failure of some power plants.
According to NBC DFW, last Friday ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) had about six power plants go offline, equivalent to 580,000 homes worth of power missing from the grid.
That caused ERCOT to ask all Texans to conserve energy during peak times of 3-8 p.m. all weekend long. It looks like that will continue throughout the week with forecasted temperatures expected to be in the triple digits here in the Permian Basin and other areas of Texas.
ERCOT is asking people to not use large appliances like dishwashers washing machines and clothes dryers during peak times.
If Texas would get on the national grid, this would not be a problem, but because Texas wants to be in control of its own electrical grid and not be able to get power from places that are not using as much power, such as Montana or the Dakotas, we get in this mess every summer and winter.
Had we been on the national grid back in February 2021, we could have pulled power from Nevada and California which were having normal weather at that time and could have saved the lives of hundreds of people.
We are a part of the United States and we should act like it instead of trying to act like we are our own country and can do everything for ourselves, WE CAN'T!
So now we have to deal with power maybe going out during a heatwave and more Texans dying because of a poorly run state government.
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