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Ex-Red Sox Pitcher That Became New York Cop Killed Sunday
Ex-Red Sox Pitcher That Became New York Cop Killed Sunday
Ex-Red Sox Pitcher That Became New York Cop Killed Sunday
As the New Yorkers began to gather to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the horrific attacks on the city and the nation, a former Major League Baseball pitcher who became a police officer in New York City, was killed Sunday morning on his way to work. The assignment he was heading towards was the September 11th memorial ceremony in lower Manhattan.
New York Writer & Voter Says MLB ‘Covered Up’ For ‘Big Papi’
New York Writer & Voter Says MLB ‘Covered Up’ For ‘Big Papi’
New York Writer & Voter Says MLB ‘Covered Up’ For ‘Big Papi’
Bill Madden of the Daily News joined The Drive with Charlie & Dan today and stated that Major League Baseball, and specifically Commissioner Rob Manfred, publicly attempted to minimize David Ortiz's positive test result for PED's, in addition to the slugger's close relationship with a suspected PED drug dealer from the Dominican Republic. Madden backed up his claim as information documented in the book 'The Baseball Cop' written by former Major League Baseball investigator, Eddie Dominguez. The Daily News baseball columnist said that Major League Baseball will one day 'regret' David Ortiz' induction.

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