Printing a Whole House? The Revolutionary New Way to Build Texas Homes
Texas is actually on the forefront of 3D printed real estate, so why not go big and build America's first two-story, 3D-printed house?
According to the Midland Reporter-Telegram, Texas is home to a 3D-printed neighborhood that is being built in Austin and the US Army is building 3D-printed barracks in El Paso at Fort Bliss. That is just some of the 3D-printed real estate that is on the way in Texas.
Now there is a two-story house that is being planned in Houston which will be the first multi-story printed home in the country.
The design firm Hannah and construction company Cive is partnering with Peri 3D Construction to print a single-family, 4,000 square foot home as their combined new project.
Peri 3D Construction will use the Danish construction-tech company COBOD BOD 2 printer, as seen above, to build the home.
The house will have the normal characteristics of other 3D buildings like curved edges and layered walls. It will be built "hybrid" construction style which combines wood framing, printable concrete, and 3D tech construction.
This is just a new venture into the world of 3D printing which is going to become the norm in the future.
Its hard to believe that we have come so far to be able to construct houses and buildings with 3D printing technology that once just printed small items.
Now we can 3D print buildings and now the first multi-story home, so when is the first multi-story high rise building going to be built and where? Keep up with this trend, it is going to be revolutionary.
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