Dear Fellow West Texan,

Just do it.

I'm not sure why you would leave the shopping cart in the grocery store parking lot. I like to think maybe you were picking up medicine and had a super sick family member at home you had to rush to. Maybe you had an upset stomach and had to get to your home restroom as soon as possible. Even with these reasons, there are usually cart corrals close by.

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I'm unsure where you learned common courtesy from and wonder if you are a local. I never understood creating extra work for another person if it could be helped. You probably have never been a front-line worker so you don't understand the disrespect of the workers who would have to wrangle your cart or maybe you don't care.

Watching your hair whip through the air like mine, I know you understood how windy that day was but you still left the cart in the parking spot next to your car and pulled away. Before I could even fully get out of my car to retrieve it. The cart managed to roll into the parked car that was in its path, hard!

Regardless of your thought process or the lack of one, I am a local who is courteous to others. After I put the shopping basket in the cart corral, I went to my car and found a piece of paper and a pen. Even though my memory is usually trash, I remembered your license plate number and left it on the windshield of the red Mustang your cart hit.

There may be nothing they can do but one thing I do know is I'm a courteous West Texan.

Yours Truly!

PS... Stop it

10 of the Rudest Things You'll See In Texas Churches

Not everyone is there for the right reasons.

Gallery Credit: Brad Elliott

The Rudest Cities In America

The language experts at Preply have researched and conducted surveys to determine which city is the rudest in the nation. Here's a look at Preply's 2024 Rudest Cities in America (for full methodology and more insights, see the link in the #1 rudest city in the country).

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow