I have plenty of single girlfriends and we talk. Girl talk is one of my absolute favorite pastimes, just FYI, and if you are single, my female friend chats may benefit you with this particular topic. I'm not much of a barfly these days but I'm grateful for the entertaining conversations with the ladies in my circle who are.


1. The Oilfield Guy

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Scott Olson/Getty Images

According to my lady friends, this is the most common guy you will run into around these parts here in west Texas. The music has to be either rock or country, nothing else works for the oilfield guy because he is only interested in a good time. He will let you know he is in the oilfield to try and impress any of the pretty women within earshot about how much money he makes.

2. The Gym Guy

Getty Images/iStockphoto
Getty Images/iStockphoto

This is the guy who would never wear a shirt if it was up to him to make sure and impress the ladies with his ripped chest and bulging biceps. He is an impressive sight and he knows it too and he has never met a mirror he didn't like. All the ladies have to do is compliment him on his arms and squeeze them enough and free drinks are yours for the rest of the night.

3. The Fighter Guy

Photo by Bastien Plu on Unsplash
Photo by Bastien Plu on Unsplash

This type of guy is typically (in his own opinion) a badass looking to fight anyone and everyone once he gets some "liquid courage" consumed from the bar. This guy will give the bar a one-star rating if he loses a fight and gets kicked out by the bouncer.

4. The Dancing Guy

Photo by Vadim Fomenok on Unsplash
Photo by Vadim Fomenok on Unsplash

This is the guy who is COMPLETELY into the music and can be found at bars that play more of the top hits or dance music. This is the guy who will be a constant form of entertainment all night long and might try to spin on his head at some point. Is this really a thing? Apparently, it is.

5. The Old Guy

Photo by Foto Sushi on Unsplash
Photo by Foto Sushi on Unsplash

This guy is way too old to be at the bar but here he is anyway. There are two types of old guys, one is the "age is just a number" guy and he is the fun one. Then there is the "old creepy guy" who lurks around the bathroom. He's cringeworthy in most cases and ladies typically try to avoid him at all costs. He is the reason ladies flock to the restroom in packs.

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins