We Now Know the Worst Times to Visit Grocery Stores in Texas
Going to the grocery store in Texas or anywhere for that matter is a necessary task. We need food to feed our family members, but does anyone really love going grocery shopping, not really. Especially as inflation lately has meant those grocery bills have increased drastically. But there is a certain time to go grocery shopping that’s the worst.
When is the Worst Time to go Grocery Shopping?
According to a new article released by Food Republic, after a long work week we can all agree that no one wants to go grocery shopping on a Friday night. We’re all too exhausted at that point. But after some rest and not waking up for work, most people make Saturday their day to buy groceries.
They even went beyond just the day of the week, as Saturday’s between 10:00 am and 1:59pm are the busiest times for grocery stores. So, if you’re anything like my wife and hate crowded aisles and people staring at their phone in the middle of the aisle, be sure to avoid grocery stores during that time.
Also, you might want to avoid the grocery store at 5:00 pm on any weekday as it gets flooded with people needing to grab something for dinner.

Best Time to go Grocery Shopping
If you want the slowest day and time to go grocery shopping that would be on Tuesday nights, specifically after 8:00 pm. The article also mentioned that Mondays are normally light when it comes to grocery shopping.
Although, if you really hate grocery shopping that much many stores are offering delivery now. Which works for lots of people, but to be honest, I am too cheap to pay someone to do that for me. I would rather stop being lazy and knock it out myself.
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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins