Insane! Midland-Odessa Drivers Forced To Deal With Road Construction And Detours
If you are someone who commutes daily through our beloved streets, roads and highways of West Texas, I feel for you. I have done it for a very long time and it absolutely does not get any easier, fun or safe. Many of us, depending on our daily route, know which roads to avoid, which ones to take to make the drive a little more smooth and so on and so forth.
Well, let me just say in all my years of a daily commute to work I just cannot seem to remember a time where pretty much anywhere I am trying to get to has some sort of road construction. Has this been the norm all these years and I never paid close attention or noticed it before?
Or have our roads become so bad that just now something is being done about it?
It seems as though you can no longer get to wherever you are going on any different day without seeing the orange cones, the road construction ahead signs or a detour of some sort, it is insane!
As you can see in the above photo, there are some major changes happening on loop 338 in Odessa and this has been ongoing for quite sometime.
I was driving down Dixie the other day, not my typical route but just happened to be in the area and came across this. I literally thought to myself, 'wow, even Dixie in Odessa?'
Andrews Highway 385 is a one that I frequent but last week I encountered a bit of a detour. Follow the curve to 338, and follow the signs that let you know when you can make a u-turn to turn left and get back on your route.
Midland, loop 250. I don't go to Midland often but clearly they have stuff going on too!
Check out the traffic backed up to exit next to Best Buy, attempting to get to loop 338 in Odessa. Wow. I am road constructioned out!
Midland-Odessa drivers, is this what your daily commute looks like?
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