Check Out The Details About Par 3 Suites Coming To Midland, Owned By Parent Company Top Golf
It's about time! There have been rumors and requests that someone would put in some kind of golf activity like Top Golf or something like it. According to Maybe In Midland-Odessa Par 3 Suites is coming to Midland. Par 3 Suites is an affiliate of Top Tracer, which is owned by Top Golf.
Adams Developement Corp LLC posted on Maybe In Midland-Odessa:
Top Golf is coming aka Par 3 Suites, it is an affiliate of TopTracer, which owns Top Golf. Located on the corner of Loop 250 and Leisure. It will be very similar to 4ore in Lubbock. We will break ground in a couple of months. We will do a press release when we break ground.
According to comments on Facebook, Par 3 Suites is a smaller version of Top Golf meant for smaller markets.
Par 3 Suites should be very similar to Top Golf's Swing Suites and also like 4ore in Lubbock.
If it's like their other properties, it will offer various avenues of entertainment. Of course, they will have swing suites for you to compete with your friends during various games. They will most likely serve adult beverages and food. You will be able to attend with your friends or in large groups. They will be open to large parties as well.
Here are some of the comments made on Facebook about the arrival of Par 3 Suites:
hell yea finally !
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