Are Free School Meals For Kids Coming To An End This Year?
Well, I guess like they say all good things must come to an end. Remember 2020 when COVID hit, kids were homeschooling and times were tough for us all? Many parents only saving grace that year when the kids finally returned to school was learning that Congress had passed a law for free school meals for all students. This momma breathed a sigh of relief and raised a tiny little victory flag after what turned out to be a rough year.
The free meals continued on through the 2021-2022 school year and take it from a mom of 3, not having to set a reminder to put money in my kid's school lunch account was the best thing ever. Yes, I have been that mom that got a note pinned to her kid's shirt from time to time. 'Reminder, your kid's lunch account is low, please send money.'
So a new school year has begun and the question is, is the free school meals for kids coming to an end? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. For all of us. Midland-Odessa, surrounding areas, it was great while it lasted, but it has all come to an end. Despite the Keep Kids Fed Act having gone into effect in March of 2020, that bill has come to an end as of June 30th.
Now, (myself included) parents we must begin to pay for our school children's breakfasts and lunches again. I am only giving you a heads up in case you got comfortable the last couple of years. I know I sure did.
Now keep in mind, for those that qualify, 'free and reduced lunches will still be available, but now students will have to qualify through an application process for the program.'
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