If there is anything non-Texans should know about Texans is that we take pride in our state. We are incredibly proud to be Texans and do not hesitate to let anyone see this fact. We proudly display it on clothing, you might know it by a sticker on the back of our vehicles, I even have several friends who have tattoos of the state of Texas. All things Texas all the time!
So what is it that we are so proud of you might ask? Good question! I'll be happy to attempt to answer that for you.
1. SIZE-they say everything is bigger in Texas and that is absolutely true! I mean, we are the second-largest state in the US as well as the second most populated state with an estimated 29 million people here, we are second only to California.
2. FOOD-if you have never had the privilege of having a meal in Texas, boy are you missing out! Hands down we have the best barbecue, Mexican food, chili, sweet tea, and well geez how much more do you need?
3. FOOTBALL-football is pretty much a religion here in Texas. Especially this time of year, we take our high school, college, and our favorite NFL team games very seriously. We will cancel all plans for any of the 3 and if you don't understand this concept, you don't belong here.
4. MOTTO-you could say our unofficial slogan or motto is something we are quite proud of, we still use it in commercials and on bumper stickers to this day. 'Don't Mess With Texas.' According to Texasproud.com,
The slogan began as a statewide advertising campaign in 1986 to reduce littering on Texas roadways and quickly became a Texas cultural phenomenon. It is officially a trademark of the Texas Department of Transportation, but “Don’t Mess with Texas” has become a frequently cited example of pride in Texas culture.
5. OIL-Texas is by far the largest oil-producing state in the US and we are quite proud of that fact.
6. LIVE MUSIC CAPITAL OF THE WORLD- Austin, TX holds that title because it has more music venues per person than anywhere else in the US. And despite what you may think, it is not just country music. We love everything from jazz to blues, and the number of music festivals that take place in Austin every year proves that!