5 Best Rivers To Float In Texas
People might wonder why we find floating down a river for hours so fun but it's one of the biggest past times for us Texans in the summer. Just thinking about sitting in a tube, music playing, cold drinks in the cooler and just floating down the river makes my heart happy. I want to go right now. We used to float every summer. Now that I am old and always seem to have other things going on, it seems like it only happens every couple of years now.
For all of you newcomers and those who have never floated one of our great rivers here in Texas, I am going to give you the top five rivers to float in Texas.
Jonathan Whitbey via Youtube
5. The Medina River. The Medina River is located northeast of San Antonio in Bandera. You can use the Median River Company, located in downtown Bandera to rent your tubes and shuttle you to and from.
4. The San Marcos River. Located right in the heart of San Marcos, you actually float right through Texas State University. Tubing companies to use in San Marcos are the Lion's Club and Texas State Tubes.
3. The Comal River. Located in New Braunfels, this man-made river is one of the best since it's the same depth pretty much year-round. Some parts are shaded when you need a break from the sun. It's only 3 miles long so it doesn't take that long to float. Tubing companies you can use if you are going to float the Comal are Rockin R and Texas Tubes.
2. The Frio River. Located in Concan, this river is one of the most popular to float as well as the coldest, hints the name Frio, which in Spanish means cold.
1. The Guadalupe River. This River runs throughout the hill country to New Braunfels, Gruene, and San Marcos. You can stay and camp along this river, there are cabins available and lots of fun places in between. Who hasn't ever camped on River Road, or been to the River Road Ice House? You can't leave out White Water Amphitheater. This could be the longest of the float trips depending on the water level of the river and how swift the river is moving.
No matter which river you decide to float, you will have a great time. Bring a lot of friends and a lot to drink. Oh yeah, don't forget the sunscreen.
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