10 Signs That You Are From Midland/Odessa
If you have ever wondered what the ten signs are that prove you are from Midland/Odessa, well here they are.
- You have your last name on the back of your vehicle (usually a truck) - Your last name was passed down to you so you show it off proudly to the world.
- Your truck is either jacked up to the stars or it is a dually - Trucks are the number one vehicle in Texas and even more so in the heart of the oilfield.
- For the ladies: You have an Escalade with the stick figure family on the back - This is essential to show how big your family is and how many pets you have and makes all the young mothers in the area very proud.
- You have an "In Memory Of" on the back window of your vehicle - This is used especially for a family member that was taken away far too early (to an illness, accident, or in the military) or the beloved matriarch or patriarch of the family.
- You have your work boots upside down between the cab and bed of your truck - They are usually dirty and oil-stained from working in the oilfield.
- You have personalized license plates - Usually of a nickname or what you are known by to your closest family and friends so they can locate you while driving down the road.
- When it stinks outside, you know that is money being made - Everyone knows that when you smell the pungent smell of gas, that means there is money being made, the bad thing is everyone from here is used to it so unless it is super strong, you don't smell it all the time but visiting family and friends sure do.
- High School Football is still the first part of a Friday night date - Oil and football are kings in Midland/Odessa and a date is not a date without going to a football game first.
- A nice weekend is going out of town which anyplace you go is 4 hours away - You can't understand your friends that are from up north saying a 4-hour trip is a long way when you think it is just a short trip to get to Dallas, San Antonio, or El Paso.
- You will cuss a person out for eating a hamburger at a Mexican Food restaurant - That is just not acceptable to us, how can you go to a place that has tacos, burritos, guacamole, and queso and get a damn burger?
There are 10 things that make us here in Midland/Odessa who we are.
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