
Bored Teenager? Here Are 5 Ways To Keep Them Entertained This Summer
Bored Teenager? Here Are 5 Ways To Keep Them Entertained This Summer
Bored Teenager? Here Are 5 Ways To Keep Them Entertained This Summer
I know a thing or two about kids getting bored during the summer months. I should, I have 3 kids. I have raised one and currently have a teen at home who will before long start with the typical 'I'm bored' pleas. Over the years I've learned, it is not enough to have the latest, greatest gaming system, every game for said system known to man. The newest Iphone or tablet won't do the trick either. I
Register Your Kids For Various Camps This Summer At Odessa College
Register Your Kids For Various Camps This Summer At Odessa College
Register Your Kids For Various Camps This Summer At Odessa College
Parents, there are not many days left in the school year. Wow! Where did the year go? It flew by. I know as parents, we are counting down the days to hear, 'I'm bored,' while our little ones are counting down to summer freedom! Staying up late, sleeping all day, pool days, sleepovers, outdoor activities and fun!

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