What-A-Mum: Texas Homecoming Mums Get More Creative Throughout The Years
High School football season is upon us and in Texas, that means it’s time for Mum's season.
What is a “Mum”
Mum is short for the chrysanthemum flower. This flower was given by a boy to his homecoming date, cue “Homecoming Mum.”
Back in the day, a homecoming mum was a simple corsage for Homecoming or even for Prom. These days, however, Homecoming mums have taken a whole other life of their own.
“Go Big Or Go Home” Mums
When I was in high school I started to notice that every year homecoming mums would get bigger and bigger and more extravagant.
Mums went from being simple corsages that high school girls would wear over their necks or on their legs to a mum that required a lot more than velcro and tape to hold up.
Mums grew in size and some even covered the person who was wearing them.
And then people got creative by adding lights in their mums. I mean, GENIUS!
But my favorite Homecoming Mums have got to be themed mums. High school students incorporate their favorite things on their mums.
I came across a Facebook Group, Texas Homecoming Mums & Garters, and I was IMPRESSED at how creative some of these women and men got when it came to creating Homecoming mums for family members or clients.
But my most favorite mums were the ones that incorporated a persons favorite fast food restaurant!
I came across a few Homecoming “Whataburger” themed mums and I was even more impressed!
But wait, It wasn’t just Whataburger fanatics who showed their love of food through their mums. Chick-Fil-A fans got in the mix too.
If there’s one thing I love the most about living in Texas, it would have to be our Texas traditions.
People from other states may think traditions like these are ridiculous but to me they are beautiful and it shows just how creative Texans can be.