If you are anything like me, you are still obsessed with the word game Wordle. Never heard of it? All you have to do is try to guess a five-letter word in six tries. Sounds easy enough but believe me it is not. Plus once you do your first word, there is no way to stop.

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I have been playing it for years and have discovered ways to ensure you can be unstoppable. I combined some of my experience with research and put together some of the best Wordle tips!


Starting with the same word every time has not failed me. I have used this method since the beginning of my Wordle journey. Though you will probably rarely guess it on the first try this will set the baseline for you.


There has been a lot of success starting with a word that has different vowels in the word like "audio". You can guess almost all the vowels with just one word.


After you use the top two tips to make your first word guess. The second word should have entirely different letters. This tip helps because the game is all about the process of elimination.


I have been stumped with double letters and don't want the same thing to happen to you. Just because you get a letter correct in one spot doesn't mean it isn't in the word again.

Now, I'm not an expert at Wordle but when I use these tips in my games, I'll win every time!

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